Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End sound clips

Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End (2007)

Wav (96k)Mp3 (192k)Ogg (184k)
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Captain Barbossa:"Trim that sail!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Trim that sail!"
Captain Barbossa:"Slack windward brace and sheet!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Slack windward brace and sheet!"
Captain Barbossa:"Haul the pennant line!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Haul the pennant line!"
Captain Barbossa:"What are you doing?"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"What are you doing?!"
Captain Barbossa:"No, what are you doing?!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"What are you doing?!"
Captain Barbossa:"No, what are you doing?!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"What are you doing?! Captain gives orders on the ship!"
Captain Barbossa:"The Captain of the ship is giving orders!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"My ship, makes me Captain."
Captain Barbossa:"They be my charts!"
Captain Jack Sparrow:"Well that makes you chartman!"
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