Hot Lead and Cold Feet sound clips

Hot Lead and Cold Feet (1978)

Sound ClipsTrailer

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Wav (93k)Mp3 (88k)Flac (734k)
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Rattlesnake:"My sister says you insulted her! No man insults my sister and stays alive!"
Denver Kid:"Insulted her? I asked her to marry me!"
Rattlesnake:"So she was right!"
Wav (200k)Mp3 (183k)Flac (1.65mb)
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Denver Kid:"He's here!"
Mayor Ragsdale:"Who?"
Denver Kid:"He is! Rattlesnake! Don't worry. It's going to be alright. I got the edge on him."
Mayor Ragsdale:"You do? Why?"
Denver Kid:"Because he's here and I know he's here, and he knows I know he's here. But he doesn't I know he knows I know he's here, but I know. So I got the edge."
Wav (25k)Mp3 (26k)Flac (191k)
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Rattlesnake:"Get ready to slap leather!"