Ella Enchanted sound clips

Ella Enchanted (2004)


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Wav (52k)Mp3 (108k)
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Ella:"Look I think its only fair to warn you that I'm practiced in the ancient art of Origami."
Thug:"Paper folding?"
Ella:"Oh, I was hoping you wouldn't know what that was."
Wav (76k)Mp3 (157k)
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Ella's mother and Mandy trying to hide baby Ella from Lucinda.
Wav (255k)Mp3 (516)
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Edgar:"Oh, dear. How clumsy of me. Pick it up. Very good. Now touch your toes."
Ella:"Oh, no."
Edgar:"Oh, yes. And while you're about it, why don't you pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time? Now jump up and down."
Ella:"Please stop."
Edgar:"Wait. Perhaps you know this one.. Put your left foot in, put your left foot out, put your left foot in and shake it all about. Shake, shake, shake. Shake, shake, shake. Shake your booty. Shake your booty. Oh ho ha ha! This is fabulous!"
Heston:"Hate to be a party pooper, but Edgar, evil plans, remember?"
Edgar:"Yes, you're right. Okay, stop."
Wav (41k)Mp3 (87k)
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Benny:"Oh, a bunny. You know, the last known case of a bunny attack was, well, never."
Slannen:"Never hurts to be on your guard."
Wav (30k)Mp3 (64k)
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Prince Char:"You can curtsy or not that's your choice. There's really nothing I can do about it, except for have you beheaded, but that seems a bit extreme."
Wav (26k)Mp3 (56k)
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Ella:"I wonder if my opponent has based her opinion on the Prince's politics or how cute she thinks his butt is."
Wav (64k)Mp3 (132k)
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Ella:"What's with the Prince pinups?"
Olive:"Hattie is the President of the Prince Char fan club."
Ella:"You know Char and his uncle are responsible for the segregation of the kingdom."
Hattie:"So? He's dreamy."
Wav (48k)Mp3 (101k)
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Nish:"I am the ogre, Nish. How would you like to be eaten? Baked? Boiled? Shish-kabobed?"
Ella:"How about free range?"
Wav (18k)Mp3 (40k)
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Nish:"It will only hurt for a moment, I promise. I'm a fast eater."
Wav (60k)Mp3 (125k)
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Tour Guide:"Next, we move in to the castle lobby."
Girl:"I can't believe it! Prince Char walked on this actual floor!"
Tour Guide:"Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! Stop tonguing the foyer!"
Wav (11k)Mp3 (26k)
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Slannen:"You are one freaky chick."
Wav (109k)Mp3 (223k)
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Brumhilda:"I love singers."
Slannen the Elf:"Really? Uh because you know being an elf, I love to sing. You know, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you're much prettier than I would've expected."
Brumhilda:"Oh I know. Giants are supposed to be big, ugly and mean. It's because of stories like 'Jack and the Beanstalk.' Stinking Grimm Brothers!"
Wav (37k)Mp3 (78k)
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Char:"I hope this is a good idea. They must hate the royal family."
Ella:"No, they'll respect your courage at showing up here. Besides, they don't hold grudges. They're bigger than that."
Wav (74k)Mp3 (152k)
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Soldier:"Hold it pipsqueak!"
Slannen:"Hey I'm with the Prince, and I'm not that short!"
Soldier:"Are you singing at the coronation?"
Slannen:"Heck no!"
Soldier:"No Elves in the palace unless they're performing."
Slannen:"Discrimination! Intentional infliction of WHOAAAA... bodily harm."
Wav (107k)Mp3 (221k)
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Char:"So traveling with an elf, Your boyfriend couldn't make it?"
Ella:"Because I don't have one."
Ella:"What about you? Your girlfriend doesn't mind being left alone?"
Char:"I don't have a girlfriend."
Char:"I have many."
Char:"I'm kidding, you shouldn't believe everything you read in Medieval Teen."
Wav (52k)Mp3 (109k)
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Hattie:"Ella! Stop kissing him! You are never to kiss him again!"
Ella:"You wanna bet?"
Wav (41k)Mp3 (87k)
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Mandy:"I love you too, my little pookie pages."
Benny:"Not as much as I love you, cuddlebuns."
Mandy:"Oh I love you more."
Ella:"Ok! Lots of love. Moving on."
Wav (22k)Mp3 (47k)
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Char:"Marry me?"
Ella:"Now that I'll do."
Wav (12k)Mp3 (27k)
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Char:"Tell me, do you get a kick out of near death experiences?"
Wav (29k)Mp3 (63k)
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Slannen:"What is going on here?"
Nish:"Well, can we at least take him to go?"
Slannen:"Put the nice man down."
Wav (19k)Mp3 (43k)
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Benny:"I would've left her ages ago, except I love her so darn much, plus I have no legs."
Wav (8k)Mp3 (20k)
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Thug:"This chick is nuts!"
Wav (34k)Mp3 (72k)
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Ella:"Are you ok?"
Slannen:"No, I am not ok! I think I broke something, or dislocated it. No, no, just a click."
Wav (48k)Mp3 (101k)
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Ella:"Oh, my step sister Hattie would die if she knew I was here. She's the President of your fan club."
Char:"Oh Hattie. Yes, thank you. Now I know what name to put on the restraining order."
Wav (45k)Mp3 (97k)
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Slannen:"Oh no, the rustling always comes before the screaming and the running. I knew this was going to happen. They'll just find pieces of us scattered across the forest floor."
Wav (39k)Mp3 (83k)
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Hattie:"Show us where Char showers."
Olive:"I bet he showers naked!"
Wav (21k)Mp3 (48k)
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Hattie:"Just admit you're stupid and don't know what you're talking about."
Ella:"I'm stupid and I don't know what I'm talking about."
Wav (30k)Mp3 (64k)
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Char:"You're the first maiden I've met who hasn't swooned at the sight of me."
Ella:"Then maybe I've done you some good."
Wav (11k)Mp3 (26k)
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Slannen:"I'm gonna need so much therapy after this!"
Wav (22k)Mp3 (49k)
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Mandy:"He knows everything."
Benny:"Thanks sweetie, but not everything. If I did, I'd be a lot thicker."
Wav (9k)Mp3 (22k)
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Ella:"My tongue itches."
Wav (44k)Mp3 (93k)
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Hattie:"Oh it's so quaint. Almost like, well, it's just ugly isn't it."
Wav (13k)Mp3 (30k)
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Edgar:"You vile little girl!"
Wav (26k)Mp3 (56k)
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Ella:"I've seen weirder couples. None that immediately come to mind, but still."
Wav (14k)Mp3 (33k)
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Ella:"Thank you!"
Slannen:"Yeah, whatever."